What is Mental Performance Coaching?

Mental Performance coaching is a tailored approach to maximizing potential in individuals, teams, and organizations.

It involves collaboration with a skilled coach to identify goals, enhance skills, overcome challenges, and reach extraordinary goals in both personal and professional domains.

How much does it cost?

There are several pricing packages based on duration and your specific needs. Please set up a free consultation call to discuss further.

How do you structure organizational consulting costs?

The cost for consulting varies depending on the scope and hours Jackson must allocate to the project.

Is coaching covered by insurance?

This type of coaching is not currently covered by insurance.

Will Jackson work with my team?

Jackson’s services are available to companies, organizations, departments, project and sports teams.

Does Jackson hold any certifications?

Jackson is an MPM Certified Mental Performance Coach.

Can I work with Jackson if I don’t live in Austin?
Yes, in-person and remote options are available.

How does 1:1 Coaching with Jackson work?

Once you have your initial call and sign your contract, you will take your assessment and start coaching with Jackson.