The Offsite Retreat

A 2-Day Intensive Retreat for High-Performers to Connect, Heal & Grow Together

Performance at the highest level is hard. It is even harder when you go at it alone. That’s why we created The Offsite. For High-Performers to connect, push ourselves, and grow together.

If You Are Ready to Push Yourself Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally and Increase Commitment, Clarity & Accountability in Your Life, Then The Offsite is for You.

Join us for 2 days of deep, vulnerable conversation, transformation, high-intensity mental and physical training, connection, community, great food, and more. You will leave feeling like you can do anything, and the reality is, you can.

Meet Jackson Mitchell and Scott McElroy. We recognized an all too common theme that high-performers show up to be their best in all categories of their lives, but sometimes miss out on truly showing up for themselves. That’s why we created The Offsite.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Here is what High-Performers are saying…